Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I want to hear your comments concerning the current 'bubble' in South Florida. Does one exist? Are prices going to stabilize? Will we have a "soft landing", or a "crash'?

Feel free to post your observations and stories.

Also, take a second and participate in the poll to the right.



At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bubble. That is exactly what it is. A feeding frenzy which I believe started just after 9/11. I purchased (I use that term loosely, I really just signed a piece of paper to buy, err rent a home from a bank) a new home in Feb of 2002, 5 months after 9/11. Soon thereafter, articles began appearing in the WP Post regarding the scarcity of land and the huge influx of boomers (their ongoing series on R.E. In hindsght, a warning flag). Well, lo and behold, the price of my "new" unbuilt home began running, $3000 one month, $8000 the next. The builder was raising prices at $10,000 clips at times. The frennzy really began to snowball. Articles in the Post every other Sunday, prices increases once a month, sometimes twice. It fed itself. "Buy now before the next price increase", sales men told me when I stopped by the office (unkown to them that I already signed). Here I am 3 years later, all I see are "For Sale" signs or lockboxes around my unfinished community. My monthly payments are kinda hi, I cant imagine what the monthly nut would be on my same house now selling for $580,000. Scripps has nothing to do with this run up, it was greed and incompetent realtors ( I mean soccer moms and just out of school waiters turned "professional").

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in Northwest Broward. Even in my exclusive area, there were "open house" signs this weekend! And the most for sale signs I have seen since moving here two years ago. There may be one once in a while but this weekend they were competing for space.


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